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Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
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First, "better safe than sorry." So, again I do not know how truthful information about the epidemic, it is better once again does not protrude from the house. Now it is engaged (in the sense of sitting at home with occasional forays to the most necessary to the nearest supermarket), a lot Generic Viagra of people. What follows? As a minimum, the fall sales. First, items and services "is not the first" required. The list gets almost everything except food and medicine. Anyone who sells other goods and services, operates in standby mode and solitaire on the office companies. Revenues of these companies, of course, reduced.
Ssh, firms that are engaged in, work with children (all educational programs, developmental and creative studios, private Order Viagra schools and kindergartens) - in shock. From the head of one of these studios I talked just today. Almost all parents decided to take the November timeout with the requirement to transfer payment for the next month. But rent, office expenses, salaries of staff, whatever one may say, you need to pay. The whole month of downtime and costs without revenue ...
The second point. If sales do not, why hold the entire state enterprise at work? No sooner said than done: dissolve in unpaid leave. Dismissed. The dismissed a run at the Labour Exchange for legitimate unemployment benefit. And the money for these benefits, of course, need somewhere to take it. What makes sense to once again "shake" and the already emaciated granary entrepreneurs.
In addition, money for "genius" epidemiological events, too, need somewhere to take it. Today it is the amounts in half a billion (!) Hryvnia - they already spent. And coming up in new costs not lower volumes. Question: where in the budget that money? As always, with a high probability that these costs will fall again, those who work: on us, guys.
All this is sad. Feeling that he was in a nightmare. And perhaps it's time to wake up. Let's look for resources. What opportunities does the current situation? Include the brain and intuition ...
Here are some thoughts to start the process, as it were.
So. Benefit One: for working moms: we have 3 weeks vacation unexpected. Together with the children. You can, of course, do farming, to do general cleaning. And you can spend that time in contact with the kids - for mutual satisfaction and benefit. Play, draw, read stories, arrange battle pillows or just look at each other's eyes and remember how each of you to another road ...
The second advantage - for those who find themselves temporarily without work: there is time to understand yourself and decide how to live. For example, to less dependent on all sorts of global cataclysms. And maybe, just recall what had always wanted to do and to do, finally, things you love. Or find a new use for his abilities.
Benefit three: for the people helping professions. Most likely, the demand for such services will grow. Why not take advantage of this?
Benefit four: for those who had long dreamed to do fitness (belly dancing, yoga, painting, etc.), but there was no time. Now it's time to eat. But at the same time and reason to understand: the desire to true or it is - just another attempt to complain to life. Buy CDs or tutorials. Option: take individual lessons with a specialist. Time is appeared. You can dedicate it to his longtime wishes. And it is pleasant and helpful. And besides, there is room for new desires ...
Benefit five: for freelancers and Internet users. Go out into the street, especially in crowded places - scary? And not only you, right? And where are you now spend your time, communicate? In the Internet! Why not look for opportunities to apply their professional skills through the World Wide Web? For example, to conduct consultations on line. Or training - now is the sea of virtual formats (webinars, private forums, distance courses, books, tutorials, etc.). Or maybe you have something to tell the world? Write about it, create a club like-minded people to share experiences. In the end, think about the possibility of commercial use of your information. Simply put: you can write and sell his book through the Internet ...
That such ideas snapshot. I think you will need their own, if you want them to appear. I would be happy if the share.
Feeling as if hit somewhere in the Arab world. By the Mujahedin (or whatever it is called the fighters "). The taxi Cialis Online Tadalafil Tablets driver on the route told a terrible story: for the whole day he was unable to buy a mask and oxalic acid ointment. For me, in general, it was no secret: a friend asked to buy this same ointment in the river on the Levitra Cost way to the station. In a couple of pharmacies no such thing was: the pharmacists began hysterics after the issue of availability of the drug.
The report on the pandemic is literally in the first few days, had an impact on me personally: one participant in my Viagra Online training, even refused to come, though paid for the program: scared. Fortunately, only one. Although, who knows how many people simply do not become registered - out of harm's way.
All of these events and observations recalled the old parable about the plague. Here it is.
Plague can be sent to the city. At the gate to Levitra Drug meet her sage with the question: "How many lives are you going to pick?"
- 10,000 - said Chuma and entered the city.
Epidemic began. It killed 100,000 people.
Leaving much deserted city, the Plague again met at his gate sage.
- Ay-ay-ay, - he shook his head - You were Cialis Levitra promised to withdraw 10,000, and claimed 10 times more. Why this lie?
- I took the promised 10,000, - answered the Plague - the rest died of fear.
End of story ...
How do you want?
I want to draw attention to this aspect here. Health, mortality from influenza - all this is important and Levitra Pills discuss the length and breadth. Just as the topic of super-profits of producers of pharmaceuticals. Coincidence in time with the election campaign in Ukraine. Let's leave it alone. Let's talk on this subject: how to affect epidmeropreyatiya on economic life Online Cialis of ordinary Ukrainians. And here it makes me very sad.
First, "better safe than sorry." So, again I do not know how truthful information about the epidemic, it is better once again does not protrude from the house. Now it is engaged (in the sense of sitting at home with occasional forays to the most necessary to the nearest supermarket), a lot Generic Viagra of people. What follows? As a minimum, the fall sales. First, items and services "is not the first" required. The list gets almost everything except food and medicine. Anyone who sells other goods and services, operates in standby mode and solitaire on the office companies. Revenues of these companies, of course, reduced.
Ssh, firms that are engaged in, work with children (all educational programs, developmental and creative studios, private Order Viagra schools and kindergartens) - in shock. From the head of one of these studios I talked just today. Almost all parents decided to take the November timeout with the requirement to transfer payment for the next month. But rent, office expenses, salaries of staff, whatever one may say, you need to pay. The whole month of downtime and costs without revenue ...
The second point. If sales do not, why hold the entire state enterprise at work? No sooner said than done: dissolve in unpaid leave. Dismissed. The dismissed a run at the Labour Exchange for legitimate unemployment benefit. And the money for these benefits, of course, need somewhere to take it. What makes sense to once again "shake" and the already emaciated granary entrepreneurs.
In addition, money for "genius" epidemiological events, too, need somewhere to take it. Today it is the amounts in half a billion (!) Hryvnia - they already spent. And coming up in new costs not lower volumes. Question: where in the budget that money? As always, with a high probability that these costs will fall again, those who work: on us, guys.
All this is sad. Feeling that he was in a nightmare. And perhaps it's time to wake up. Let's look for resources. What opportunities does the current situation? Include the brain and intuition ...
Here are some thoughts to start the process, as it were.
So. Benefit One: for working moms: we have 3 weeks vacation unexpected. Together with the children. You can, of course, do farming, to do general cleaning. And you can spend that time in contact with the kids - for mutual satisfaction and benefit. Play, draw, read stories, arrange battle pillows or just look at each other's eyes and remember how each of you to another road ...
The second advantage - for those who find themselves temporarily without work: there is time to understand yourself and decide how to live. For example, to less dependent on all sorts of global cataclysms. And maybe, just recall what had always wanted to do and to do, finally, things you love. Or find a new use for his abilities.
Benefit three: for the people helping professions. Most likely, the demand for such services will grow. Why not take advantage of this?
Benefit four: for those who had long dreamed to do fitness (belly dancing, yoga, painting, etc.), but there was no time. Now it's time to eat. But at the same time and reason to understand: the desire to true or it is - just another attempt to complain to life. Buy CDs or tutorials. Option: take individual lessons with a specialist. Time is appeared. You can dedicate it to his longtime wishes. And it is pleasant and helpful. And besides, there is room for new desires ...
Benefit five: for freelancers and Internet users. Go out into the street, especially in crowded places - scary? And not only you, right? And where are you now spend your time, communicate? In the Internet! Why not look for opportunities to apply their professional skills through the World Wide Web? For example, to conduct consultations on line. Or training - now is the sea of virtual formats (webinars, private forums, distance courses, books, tutorials, etc.). Or maybe you have something to tell the world? Write about it, create a club like-minded people to share experiences. In the end, think about the possibility of commercial use of your information. Simply put: you can write and sell his book through the Internet ...
That such ideas snapshot. I think you will need their own, if you want them to appear. I would be happy if the share.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Техника применения воздействия на нервные точки и окончания прокалыванием их металлическими иглами, пришла к нам из древнего Китая. Совсем не трудно понять, что это ни что иное, как применение определенного вида пыток в лечебных целях. Одно из составляющих великой культуры Китайского древнего общества есть величайшее разнообразие в применении физических методов воздействия на тело человека.
Суть иглоукалывания в изменении электрического потенциала в местах уколов, а так же изменение проницаемости нервных волокон слабым электрическим потокам. Общая идея в применении такого метода в целях любого воздействия на организм человека - это управление внутренними процессами через уменьшение поступающих в тот или иной орган сигналов от головного мозга. Какое бы воздействие мы не решали проводить на конкретный нервный пучок, оно всегда будет обладать следующими недостатками. Во-первых, эффект воздействия не рассчитан, другими словами незнание предмета заболевания, пытаются скомпенсировать методом "тыка" в прямом смысле этого слова. Во-вторых, металл из которого возможно изготовление иголки, обладает определенной электрической проводимостью, следовательно, иглы из разных металлов всегда будут иметь дискретные значения воздействия. В-третьих, воздействие на нервную систему всегда ограничено по времени, и всегда это есть попытка борьбы со следствием "заболевания", а не с причиной. Другими словами древняя методика, принципиально не отличается от способов "лечения" предлагаемой современной медициной.
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Что касается применения иглоукалывания, как способа регуляции количества клеток жировой ткани, то можно сказать одно - временный полученный результат. Через некоторое время после завершения цикла ваш вес вернется к прежнему показателю. Минус такой методики, как впрочем, и любой другой - повышение уровня инсулина в крови на период от прекращения применение конкретного способа снижения веса, до увеличения количества жировых клеток пропорционально данному в этот момент времени уровню инсулина в крови. Что подтверждается статистикой 95% применяющих тот или другой метод "от современной медицины" возвращаются к прежнему весу в течение 6 месяцев.
Суть иглоукалывания в изменении электрического потенциала в местах уколов, а так же изменение проницаемости нервных волокон слабым электрическим потокам. Общая идея в применении такого метода в целях любого воздействия на организм человека - это управление внутренними процессами через уменьшение поступающих в тот или иной орган сигналов от головного мозга. Какое бы воздействие мы не решали проводить на конкретный нервный пучок, оно всегда будет обладать следующими недостатками. Во-первых, эффект воздействия не рассчитан, другими словами незнание предмета заболевания, пытаются скомпенсировать методом "тыка" в прямом смысле этого слова. Во-вторых, металл из которого возможно изготовление иголки, обладает определенной электрической проводимостью, следовательно, иглы из разных металлов всегда будут иметь дискретные значения воздействия. В-третьих, воздействие на нервную систему всегда ограничено по времени, и всегда это есть попытка борьбы со следствием "заболевания", а не с причиной. Другими словами древняя методика, принципиально не отличается от способов "лечения" предлагаемой современной медициной.
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Что касается применения иглоукалывания, как способа регуляции количества клеток жировой ткани, то можно сказать одно - временный полученный результат. Через некоторое время после завершения цикла ваш вес вернется к прежнему показателю. Минус такой методики, как впрочем, и любой другой - повышение уровня инсулина в крови на период от прекращения применение конкретного способа снижения веса, до увеличения количества жировых клеток пропорционально данному в этот момент времени уровню инсулина в крови. Что подтверждается статистикой 95% применяющих тот или другой метод "от современной медицины" возвращаются к прежнему весу в течение 6 месяцев.
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