Monday, November 23, 2009

Come back, my friend

How to survive if the loved one gone to rest without you? There are several levels of complexity of the situation.

The first level of complexity - is when a loved one is simply left to rest one (you do not leave coincided, biorhythms, mood, plans for the summer, the attitude to India - not important). It's not scary. The second level of complexity - is when a loved one is left alone, because you quarrel (you badly behaved, spoiled everything at the last minute, missed the flight because they met with the former, and he knows it). This is worse. Finally, the third level of complexity - is when a loved one left for vacation with my favorite person, but this man is not you (and his wife, for example). Then all the worse. But we must somehow survive all this!
1) Do not worry. If you are already resigned to the fact that he was there, and you're here, and not fly there next flight - the experience is meaningless. This will not change anything.

2) was a calendar with a countdown. Printed on the official printer, number of days until his return from vacation a size four (to be just, believe me), and hang in a prominent place. Every day update a calendar. You'll see as time passes, and the expectation would be a system - will leave chaos and immediately becomes clear the scale of the disaster. And when it is clear - it is already better.

3) Sit down, relax and just scrolling down in your head (you have 15 minutes) all the worst options emanating from this process. For example, imagine your favorite person with another woman, with Angelina Jolie in the Jacuzzi, with Paris Hilton in the bedroom, naked at the bar in New York's vital statistics office with his former passions. Now open your eyes. That will not happen! If this happens - write to us, we will do this reporting. If you are not comforting, see paragraph 1.

4) After the paranoid thoughts unsure of herself and dear to you man finally worthy left you - you can start thinking about yourself. How much time do you? What are you going to do with this time? 14 days? 10? Month? Congratulations. This is - your personal time, which you never, under any other circumstances, could not appear.

5) Examine the list of diets for shorter periods, write in a beauty salon, look where is sale or vice versa - new collections, and that would be in the autumn (see Fashion). Bring yourself in excellent form. If you are already in excellent form - transformed. Podzagori, trim hair, a pedicure, buy yourself a new dress in which to meet him.

6) Make a surprise for him! For example, the tattoo as a symbol that means something just for you two. Or, perhaps, proapdeyt his room: buy new curtains and carpet, clean all the dusty corners, and laid the CDs into boxes, learn to cook his favorite dish.

7) Now think: what you wanted, but could do with it? Parties in the style of Harry Potter with his university friends, which he can not stand? Going to the sauna with girls without husbands and boyfriend? Visit a flea market, where each tray can stand for twenty minutes and no one will now not hurry up? Viewing romantic comedies with popcorn and cola at home?

8) He has not returned? If you have time, you can complete the unfinished business. They are you, frankly, there. Dorisovat pictures dokleit wallpaper. Driving directions to give, to help her mother with a flower bed. To rent a warranty mattress.

9) He still has not returned?! How many days left until his return? This is intolerable, it is true, as many expect? When nothing can be done, and no items not working, and the first point - not much comfort, then woe be to pronounce. Tell me about it all. Start with any of this communication. Speak the truth. The best way: "Hello, (without pause), he left and I'm dying, there is no strength to go on without him." People will take you to all involved: to pity you or laugh at you, and then, and another - not bad.

10) Sit down and write him a letter. Many such a letter with all the details, as you draw the calendar, as a matter of days as she has a tattoo, dorisovyvala now, buying curtains, hanging out with friends, went to massage and suffered, suffered, suffered, and that more than ever, nizachto, in any , and any country you should not fly alone. Wrote? Reread. Put it under your pillow, and if you do not change your mind, let him read it when he returns. After all, he had so come back soon, your favorite people.

And - please - behave with dignity. Do not write him daily crazy sms (no soplivyh or jealous or evil). Be a good boy. Think about what he misses, too - just in a more comfortable environment at a comfortable temperature of air and water and with the best view from the window. He should be good there, on vacation, and this is after all your favorite people, so wished him a good rest!

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