Summer is over. And almost immediately with the onset of autumn weather the child became ill colds. Many parents know a situation where almost half a year they do not see your child healthy, as a "cold" after another. And if the doctor asks them: "At that complain?", They answer: "The child is often sick."
Who is frequently sick child.
In domestic medicine are frequently sick: children under 1 year, when cases of acute respiratory infections (ARI) - 4 or more per year, children from 1 to 3 years - 6 or more ARI in the year, children from 3 to 5 years - 5 and more ARI in the year, children older than 5 years - 4 or more ARI in the year.
Often a child has not only frequent, but long-term (more than 10 - 14 days one ARI).
Long-term sick children can also be classified as frequently sick.
Outwardly, OCR may appear runny nose, cough, redness of the throat, general weakness, the rise in temperature. We sickly children could be any one, but a long-lived symptoms, such as persistent cough or podkashlivanie, persistent nasal discharge, and the temperature may be normal. If a child is constantly increasing the temperature, but no symptoms of ARI, is often a sign of chronic infection, and requires a detailed medical examination.
Why the child is often sick.
If the child frequently or long-term sick, it means that his immune system is weakened. Consider the main factors leading to the weakening of immunity.
The functions of the immune system begin to form in utero, so the intrauterine infection, prematurity, or morpho-functional immaturity of the baby can cause the child later becomes sick often.
Another important factor for formation of immunity is mother's milk, so children who are breastfed rarely suffer acute respiratory disease, and vice versa, an early transition to artificial mixtures can lead to what is already in the first year of life a child begins to ache colds.
In the first year of life, or at an older age have a baby as a result of various unfavorable factors may develop the background of which weaken the immune system.
This - intestinal bacteria overgrowth, vitamin deficiencies, rickets.
The marked weakening of the immunity is often after a serious illness or surgery. If a child is ill with dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, his immune system is weakened. Very much weaken the function of the immune system viruses. Once transferred influenza, measles, other viral diseases child has an increased susceptibility to infections and can be frequently sick.
Weakens immunity prolonged use of certain drugs. These are immunosuppressive drugs that are used in autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), some anticancer drugs, steroid hormones for oral administration, the majority of antibiotics. In that case, if the use of these drugs is necessary, it is desirable to take preventive measures to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.
The presence of a child's chronic illness also tends to weaken the protective mechanisms and may cause that the child is often sick. These diseases may be chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoids, indolent, and atypical infections caused by pathogens such as mycoplasma, pnevmotsista, chlamydia, Yersin. Often the cause of weakening of immunity are worms, which are difficult to diagnose in feces.
There are congenital immunodeficiency states, including isolated immunodeficiencies, when a child violated any one link of the immune system. Children with immune deficiencies can often hurt any recurrent, ie recurrent disease.
If the child is suffering from the same type of diseases, for example - recurrent thrush, chronic infection in otolaryngology, it should examine in terms of the existence of innate immunopatii.
Finally, of great importance for the normal functioning of the immunity have proper balanced diet and regime. The child may frequently and chronically ill, if his diet is not enough vitamins, or food - unbalanced, for example, there are no animal products or food contains large amounts of carbohydrates, but low protein and fat.
If a child is rare in the fresh air, leads a sedentary life, inhales tobacco smoke from smoking adults, this can lead to a weakening of their immunity.
Is it dangerous to the health of the child if he is often sick.
Often, sick children - the problem of social and medical. These children are usually broken Calendar preventive vaccination, they can not attend day care centers and school age are forced to miss school. Parents have to periodically stay home with tenderhearted child, and miss work.
We often ailing children formed a "vicious circle": against the background of a weakened immunity child diagnosed acute respiratory disease, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result of hypersensitivity to various infectious agents and reduce the protective mechanisms, it is likely to suffer from chronic, low-intensity communicable and noncommunicable diseases (gastritis and peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The presence of chronic infections can lead to stunted physical development, allergization.
We frequently sick children can develop and various psychological problems, "complexes". First of all, this is - "inferiority complex", a sense of insecurity. Failure due to frequent illnesses to live a full life for his age can lead to social disadaptatsii (the child may avoid peers, to be withdrawn, rude, irritable).
Given these possible consequences, parents should be interested in, to prevent the weakening of the immunity of the child.
Even during pregnancy FUTURE mother to take care of the health of the unborn baby. Expectant mothers must be fully fed, eliminate smoking and alcohol intake, if possible sanitizing foci of chronic infection. It is important to the baby to the breast immediately after birth, when released from the mammary colostrum, rich in immunoglobulins. It is very important to the natural feeding.
Breast milk - an essential element for the formation of the immunity of the child, so even if the milk is small, it is desirable that the child receives it. If breast milk is sufficient, no need to introduce solid foods until 4 - 6 months. If you have to finish feeding the baby with artificial formula, stability is important, ie no need to change the mixture, if the child has no intolerance to that mix, which he receives.
As mentioned above, the weakening of the immunity of the child can take place against a background of intestinal dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis. It is important to identify these states in the first year of life and under medical supervision correction. Children under 3 years in the autumn-winter-spring seasons shown prevention of rickets vitamin D (vigantol, vitamin D2 and D3).
In summer you can not pharmacological prevention of rickets, provided that the child is quite a lot of time on the air (not necessarily in direct sunlight).
As a precaution weakening immunity can be used multivitamin preparations (multiplet titabs, irrigation, baby, yunikap, Centrum and others). A good tonic effect drugs have yeast (yeast extract "Favorite", pangamin, etc.). Multivitamins and yeast preparations especially needed for children in the autumn and spring, when there is a natural weakening of the immune system.
It is important to establish a balanced diet. To ensure normal functioning of the immune system requires that the child's food, attended by proteins and fats of animal origin (milk and milk products, meat, fish), vitamins, which are the main source of vegetables and fruits.
Summer children older than 4 - 5 months of very useful fresh, not heat-treated fruit, berries and juices. They contain much more vitamins than the same products after thermal processing or canning. The body of the child can accumulate over the summer vitamins that will strengthen his immune system.
Restorative effect on the organism has hardened. There are different methods of hardening. Some suggest pouring cold water on the entire body, others - only some particular areas (legs up to knees, shoulders and neck). There are types of hardening without water treatments (air bath). But for all kinds of hardening, the general principles.
Any tempering should start slowly, gradually increasing the time of procedure and progressively lowering the temperature of water (or air). Tempering should be organized regularly, and if for some reason the procedures were interrupted, to resume their need at the outset. Only under these rules can achieve a positive effect.
Some infectious diseases can be avoided by making preventive inoculations. In addition to the mandatory vaccination against tuberculosis, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, there vaccines against influenza, hepatitis A and B vaccination for influenza vaccination should be done prior to the influenza epidemic that immunity had developed. Get a flu shot in the midst of the epidemic, or when a child is ill does not make sense, because the vaccine does not protect the child from the disease.
As one of the factors that weaken the immune system, are worms, parents need to remember the hygiene measures: to teach children to wash their hands, not to allow gaming in the hallway and bathroom, make sure that the child did not raise the items on the street and not stroked homeless animals, conduct periodic home wet cleaning and wash with soap and water toys. Given the complexity of diagnosing intestinal worms on feces, the possibility of preventive anthelminthic courses several times a year, especially in autumn.
What if a child is often sick.
If a child is often sick, you should continue or begin restorative preventive measures, which are mentioned above: vitamin, balanced nutrition, etc. It is important to treat chronic diseases, especially the pathology of ENT - Bodies: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal), adenoids.
Parents are often ill children need to see a doctor (pediatrician, gastroenterologist, an immunologist). Can pass the preliminary tests, which will help determine the cause of weakened immunity: cal dysbiosis, blood on the immune and interferon status. Depending on the clinical picture is often repetitive OCR can pass special tests: studies on detection of mycoplasma and pnevmotsisty with persistent cough (blood, swabs from the throat), throat swab with chronic tonsillitis, etc.
For the treatment of frequently ill children may use medical products of nonspecific effects (vitamins, adaptogens, biogenic stimulators, etc.), as well as specific therapy drugs aimed at specific links in the immune system - immunocorrection (immunoglobulins, interferons, drugs of the thymus gland).
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