Summer is over. And almost immediately with the onset of autumn weather the child became ill colds. Many parents know a situation where almost half a year they do not see your child healthy, as a "cold" after another. And if the doctor asks them: "At that complain?", They answer: "The child is often sick."
Who is frequently sick child.
In domestic medicine are frequently sick: children under 1 year, when cases of acute respiratory infections (ARI) - 4 or more per year, children from 1 to 3 years - 6 or more ARI in the year, children from 3 to 5 years - 5 and more ARI in the year, children older than 5 years - 4 or more ARI in the year.
Often a child has not only frequent, but long-term (more than 10 - 14 days one ARI).
Long-term sick children can also be classified as frequently sick.
Outwardly, OCR may appear runny nose, cough, redness of the throat, general weakness, the rise in temperature. We sickly children could be any one, but a long-lived symptoms, such as persistent cough or podkashlivanie, persistent nasal discharge, and the temperature may be normal. If a child is constantly increasing the temperature, but no symptoms of ARI, is often a sign of chronic infection, and requires a detailed medical examination.
Why the child is often sick.
If the child frequently or long-term sick, it means that his immune system is weakened. Consider the main factors leading to the weakening of immunity.
The functions of the immune system begin to form in utero, so the intrauterine infection, prematurity, or morpho-functional immaturity of the baby can cause the child later becomes sick often.
Another important factor for formation of immunity is mother's milk, so children who are breastfed rarely suffer acute respiratory disease, and vice versa, an early transition to artificial mixtures can lead to what is already in the first year of life a child begins to ache colds.
In the first year of life, or at an older age have a baby as a result of various unfavorable factors may develop the background of which weaken the immune system.
This - intestinal bacteria overgrowth, vitamin deficiencies, rickets.
The marked weakening of the immunity is often after a serious illness or surgery. If a child is ill with dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, his immune system is weakened. Very much weaken the function of the immune system viruses. Once transferred influenza, measles, other viral diseases child has an increased susceptibility to infections and can be frequently sick.
Weakens immunity prolonged use of certain drugs. These are immunosuppressive drugs that are used in autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), some anticancer drugs, steroid hormones for oral administration, the majority of antibiotics. In that case, if the use of these drugs is necessary, it is desirable to take preventive measures to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.
The presence of a child's chronic illness also tends to weaken the protective mechanisms and may cause that the child is often sick. These diseases may be chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoids, indolent, and atypical infections caused by pathogens such as mycoplasma, pnevmotsista, chlamydia, Yersin. Often the cause of weakening of immunity are worms, which are difficult to diagnose in feces.
There are congenital immunodeficiency states, including isolated immunodeficiencies, when a child violated any one link of the immune system. Children with immune deficiencies can often hurt any recurrent, ie recurrent disease.
If the child is suffering from the same type of diseases, for example - recurrent thrush, chronic infection in otolaryngology, it should examine in terms of the existence of innate immunopatii.
Finally, of great importance for the normal functioning of the immunity have proper balanced diet and regime. The child may frequently and chronically ill, if his diet is not enough vitamins, or food - unbalanced, for example, there are no animal products or food contains large amounts of carbohydrates, but low protein and fat.
If a child is rare in the fresh air, leads a sedentary life, inhales tobacco smoke from smoking adults, this can lead to a weakening of their immunity.
Is it dangerous to the health of the child if he is often sick.
Often, sick children - the problem of social and medical. These children are usually broken Calendar preventive vaccination, they can not attend day care centers and school age are forced to miss school. Parents have to periodically stay home with tenderhearted child, and miss work.
We often ailing children formed a "vicious circle": against the background of a weakened immunity child diagnosed acute respiratory disease, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result of hypersensitivity to various infectious agents and reduce the protective mechanisms, it is likely to suffer from chronic, low-intensity communicable and noncommunicable diseases (gastritis and peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The presence of chronic infections can lead to stunted physical development, allergization.
We frequently sick children can develop and various psychological problems, "complexes". First of all, this is - "inferiority complex", a sense of insecurity. Failure due to frequent illnesses to live a full life for his age can lead to social disadaptatsii (the child may avoid peers, to be withdrawn, rude, irritable).
Given these possible consequences, parents should be interested in, to prevent the weakening of the immunity of the child.
Even during pregnancy FUTURE mother to take care of the health of the unborn baby. Expectant mothers must be fully fed, eliminate smoking and alcohol intake, if possible sanitizing foci of chronic infection. It is important to the baby to the breast immediately after birth, when released from the mammary colostrum, rich in immunoglobulins. It is very important to the natural feeding.
Breast milk - an essential element for the formation of the immunity of the child, so even if the milk is small, it is desirable that the child receives it. If breast milk is sufficient, no need to introduce solid foods until 4 - 6 months. If you have to finish feeding the baby with artificial formula, stability is important, ie no need to change the mixture, if the child has no intolerance to that mix, which he receives.
As mentioned above, the weakening of the immunity of the child can take place against a background of intestinal dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis. It is important to identify these states in the first year of life and under medical supervision correction. Children under 3 years in the autumn-winter-spring seasons shown prevention of rickets vitamin D (vigantol, vitamin D2 and D3).
In summer you can not pharmacological prevention of rickets, provided that the child is quite a lot of time on the air (not necessarily in direct sunlight).
As a precaution weakening immunity can be used multivitamin preparations (multiplet titabs, irrigation, baby, yunikap, Centrum and others). A good tonic effect drugs have yeast (yeast extract "Favorite", pangamin, etc.). Multivitamins and yeast preparations especially needed for children in the autumn and spring, when there is a natural weakening of the immune system.
It is important to establish a balanced diet. To ensure normal functioning of the immune system requires that the child's food, attended by proteins and fats of animal origin (milk and milk products, meat, fish), vitamins, which are the main source of vegetables and fruits.
Summer children older than 4 - 5 months of very useful fresh, not heat-treated fruit, berries and juices. They contain much more vitamins than the same products after thermal processing or canning. The body of the child can accumulate over the summer vitamins that will strengthen his immune system.
Restorative effect on the organism has hardened. There are different methods of hardening. Some suggest pouring cold water on the entire body, others - only some particular areas (legs up to knees, shoulders and neck). There are types of hardening without water treatments (air bath). But for all kinds of hardening, the general principles.
Any tempering should start slowly, gradually increasing the time of procedure and progressively lowering the temperature of water (or air). Tempering should be organized regularly, and if for some reason the procedures were interrupted, to resume their need at the outset. Only under these rules can achieve a positive effect.
Some infectious diseases can be avoided by making preventive inoculations. In addition to the mandatory vaccination against tuberculosis, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, there vaccines against influenza, hepatitis A and B vaccination for influenza vaccination should be done prior to the influenza epidemic that immunity had developed. Get a flu shot in the midst of the epidemic, or when a child is ill does not make sense, because the vaccine does not protect the child from the disease.
As one of the factors that weaken the immune system, are worms, parents need to remember the hygiene measures: to teach children to wash their hands, not to allow gaming in the hallway and bathroom, make sure that the child did not raise the items on the street and not stroked homeless animals, conduct periodic home wet cleaning and wash with soap and water toys. Given the complexity of diagnosing intestinal worms on feces, the possibility of preventive anthelminthic courses several times a year, especially in autumn.
What if a child is often sick.
If a child is often sick, you should continue or begin restorative preventive measures, which are mentioned above: vitamin, balanced nutrition, etc. It is important to treat chronic diseases, especially the pathology of ENT - Bodies: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal), adenoids.
Parents are often ill children need to see a doctor (pediatrician, gastroenterologist, an immunologist). Can pass the preliminary tests, which will help determine the cause of weakened immunity: cal dysbiosis, blood on the immune and interferon status. Depending on the clinical picture is often repetitive OCR can pass special tests: studies on detection of mycoplasma and pnevmotsisty with persistent cough (blood, swabs from the throat), throat swab with chronic tonsillitis, etc.
For the treatment of frequently ill children may use medical products of nonspecific effects (vitamins, adaptogens, biogenic stimulators, etc.), as well as specific therapy drugs aimed at specific links in the immune system - immunocorrection (immunoglobulins, interferons, drugs of the thymus gland).
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Do me a pleasure!
Looking for a way to refresh the senses and please the boyfriend? Try to master one of these exotic-erotic massage. Result magnificent!
Areas of increased sensitivity
To determine which parts of the body of your men are particularly sensitive to touch, ask him to give you a massage. Remember the area, which he paid full attention, and when it's your turn to massage him, concentrate all efforts on them. Do not make a mistake!
"On your knees," "Go inside!", "Fire in the chest - this is not the regular titles of articles about sex in Sosmo. This massage technique, which we found by studying the new spa treatments from around the world. Massage, which we recommend, so sensual and unbanal that - believe me - you will not find them in the nearest beauty salon. So rather invite his lover, take each other's hands and begin to massage pleasure.
Advance preparation: arrange a spa day in one of the weekend to nowhere did not have to hurry. Spa procedures require time and a calm environment. Unplug the phone, so no one will not stop you.
On your knees!
Indian women know that head massage helps to release tension in the muscles of the neck. And men accumulate all their stress there. So is the perfect option to help relax and leave a favorite issue of the day behind. Put his head on her knees - so you can track its reaction to your movements. First, press your index finger between the eyebrows. Then slide your finger around the ears - there is more than 300 acupuncture points, so many men, this place - erogenous zone. From the ears stand up to the top of his head, holding his fingers with a noticeable but not heavy pressure. Repeat several times. Swapped.
Fire chest
Thais believe that not only his back should accrue to your love and care. Massaging the chest, you strengthen the body's immune system. You have to massage oil with a spicy aroma (this can be found in the cosmetic shop, and in sex-shop). Struck oil on his skin, sostykuy hand, first put them on one breast and begin to move upward circular motion. Spend on his pacifier with your thumbs (or tongue!) And continue the movement to the shoulders, changing the intensity of pressure and location of the hands (the right place at the left, left - at the right place). Repeat with the second breast. Now his turn.
Towel Whipping
What Russian does not like steam in the sauna with a broom? It improves blood and removes toxins. But in the absence of a broom at home ... you can use a towel. It should be warm and humid. Dampen a small terry towel in warm water (you can add to it a few drops of fragrant oils), press and heated in a microwave (30 seconds). Stand behind a boyfriend, to keep the surprise effect (which, as you know, it works). Rolled towel, holding it by the ends with both hands, then release one end of the towel and lightly slap her man. Your goal - legs, arms, waist and, of course, the buttocks. Now you can swap roles.
Come inside
Inner thighs - intimate space, so typically most of the massage techniques it is not affected. Meanwhile, development of muscles of the thigh and hip joints is very useful for health: due to the fact that we're sedentary, they lose elasticity, worsening blood circulation. Therefore Arm oil - and go! Start with the groin area. Performed neat circular motion clockwise, slightly pressing and warming the skin warmth of their hands. When the muscles become softer, you can increase the pressure, carefully and gently massage groin. After writing your partner luxuriate alone a few minutes. And then let him speak as a masseur. You did you manage to intelligibly explain to him that the inner surface of your hips, too, in dire need of a massage?
Men like SPA AT HOME
Most men prefer massage, which makes the girlfriend, the best massage in spa, and here's why: usually they are so experienced that the procedure may bring them, that they can not relax and, consequently, to get maximum pleasure. So for them the best spa - home.
End justifies the means
To create it, you can use your own cosmetics. Share, do not be greedy!
Neither man was hurt!
Real couples tried our technique.
Areas of increased sensitivity
To determine which parts of the body of your men are particularly sensitive to touch, ask him to give you a massage. Remember the area, which he paid full attention, and when it's your turn to massage him, concentrate all efforts on them. Do not make a mistake!
"On your knees," "Go inside!", "Fire in the chest - this is not the regular titles of articles about sex in Sosmo. This massage technique, which we found by studying the new spa treatments from around the world. Massage, which we recommend, so sensual and unbanal that - believe me - you will not find them in the nearest beauty salon. So rather invite his lover, take each other's hands and begin to massage pleasure.
Advance preparation: arrange a spa day in one of the weekend to nowhere did not have to hurry. Spa procedures require time and a calm environment. Unplug the phone, so no one will not stop you.
On your knees!
Indian women know that head massage helps to release tension in the muscles of the neck. And men accumulate all their stress there. So is the perfect option to help relax and leave a favorite issue of the day behind. Put his head on her knees - so you can track its reaction to your movements. First, press your index finger between the eyebrows. Then slide your finger around the ears - there is more than 300 acupuncture points, so many men, this place - erogenous zone. From the ears stand up to the top of his head, holding his fingers with a noticeable but not heavy pressure. Repeat several times. Swapped.
Fire chest
Thais believe that not only his back should accrue to your love and care. Massaging the chest, you strengthen the body's immune system. You have to massage oil with a spicy aroma (this can be found in the cosmetic shop, and in sex-shop). Struck oil on his skin, sostykuy hand, first put them on one breast and begin to move upward circular motion. Spend on his pacifier with your thumbs (or tongue!) And continue the movement to the shoulders, changing the intensity of pressure and location of the hands (the right place at the left, left - at the right place). Repeat with the second breast. Now his turn.
Towel Whipping
What Russian does not like steam in the sauna with a broom? It improves blood and removes toxins. But in the absence of a broom at home ... you can use a towel. It should be warm and humid. Dampen a small terry towel in warm water (you can add to it a few drops of fragrant oils), press and heated in a microwave (30 seconds). Stand behind a boyfriend, to keep the surprise effect (which, as you know, it works). Rolled towel, holding it by the ends with both hands, then release one end of the towel and lightly slap her man. Your goal - legs, arms, waist and, of course, the buttocks. Now you can swap roles.
Come inside
Inner thighs - intimate space, so typically most of the massage techniques it is not affected. Meanwhile, development of muscles of the thigh and hip joints is very useful for health: due to the fact that we're sedentary, they lose elasticity, worsening blood circulation. Therefore Arm oil - and go! Start with the groin area. Performed neat circular motion clockwise, slightly pressing and warming the skin warmth of their hands. When the muscles become softer, you can increase the pressure, carefully and gently massage groin. After writing your partner luxuriate alone a few minutes. And then let him speak as a masseur. You did you manage to intelligibly explain to him that the inner surface of your hips, too, in dire need of a massage?
Men like SPA AT HOME
Most men prefer massage, which makes the girlfriend, the best massage in spa, and here's why: usually they are so experienced that the procedure may bring them, that they can not relax and, consequently, to get maximum pleasure. So for them the best spa - home.
End justifies the means
To create it, you can use your own cosmetics. Share, do not be greedy!
Neither man was hurt!
Real couples tried our technique.
Come back, my friend
How to survive if the loved one gone to rest without you? There are several levels of complexity of the situation.
The first level of complexity - is when a loved one is simply left to rest one (you do not leave coincided, biorhythms, mood, plans for the summer, the attitude to India - not important). It's not scary. The second level of complexity - is when a loved one is left alone, because you quarrel (you badly behaved, spoiled everything at the last minute, missed the flight because they met with the former, and he knows it). This is worse. Finally, the third level of complexity - is when a loved one left for vacation with my favorite person, but this man is not you (and his wife, for example). Then all the worse. But we must somehow survive all this!
1) Do not worry. If you are already resigned to the fact that he was there, and you're here, and not fly there next flight - the experience is meaningless. This will not change anything.
2) was a calendar with a countdown. Printed on the official printer, number of days until his return from vacation a size four (to be just, believe me), and hang in a prominent place. Every day update a calendar. You'll see as time passes, and the expectation would be a system - will leave chaos and immediately becomes clear the scale of the disaster. And when it is clear - it is already better.
3) Sit down, relax and just scrolling down in your head (you have 15 minutes) all the worst options emanating from this process. For example, imagine your favorite person with another woman, with Angelina Jolie in the Jacuzzi, with Paris Hilton in the bedroom, naked at the bar in New York's vital statistics office with his former passions. Now open your eyes. That will not happen! If this happens - write to us, we will do this reporting. If you are not comforting, see paragraph 1.
4) After the paranoid thoughts unsure of herself and dear to you man finally worthy left you - you can start thinking about yourself. How much time do you? What are you going to do with this time? 14 days? 10? Month? Congratulations. This is - your personal time, which you never, under any other circumstances, could not appear.
5) Examine the list of diets for shorter periods, write in a beauty salon, look where is sale or vice versa - new collections, and that would be in the autumn (see Fashion). Bring yourself in excellent form. If you are already in excellent form - transformed. Podzagori, trim hair, a pedicure, buy yourself a new dress in which to meet him.
6) Make a surprise for him! For example, the tattoo as a symbol that means something just for you two. Or, perhaps, proapdeyt his room: buy new curtains and carpet, clean all the dusty corners, and laid the CDs into boxes, learn to cook his favorite dish.
7) Now think: what you wanted, but could do with it? Parties in the style of Harry Potter with his university friends, which he can not stand? Going to the sauna with girls without husbands and boyfriend? Visit a flea market, where each tray can stand for twenty minutes and no one will now not hurry up? Viewing romantic comedies with popcorn and cola at home?
8) He has not returned? If you have time, you can complete the unfinished business. They are you, frankly, there. Dorisovat pictures dokleit wallpaper. Driving directions to give, to help her mother with a flower bed. To rent a warranty mattress.
9) He still has not returned?! How many days left until his return? This is intolerable, it is true, as many expect? When nothing can be done, and no items not working, and the first point - not much comfort, then woe be to pronounce. Tell me about it all. Start with any of this communication. Speak the truth. The best way: "Hello, (without pause), he left and I'm dying, there is no strength to go on without him." People will take you to all involved: to pity you or laugh at you, and then, and another - not bad.
10) Sit down and write him a letter. Many such a letter with all the details, as you draw the calendar, as a matter of days as she has a tattoo, dorisovyvala now, buying curtains, hanging out with friends, went to massage and suffered, suffered, suffered, and that more than ever, nizachto, in any , and any country you should not fly alone. Wrote? Reread. Put it under your pillow, and if you do not change your mind, let him read it when he returns. After all, he had so come back soon, your favorite people.
And - please - behave with dignity. Do not write him daily crazy sms (no soplivyh or jealous or evil). Be a good boy. Think about what he misses, too - just in a more comfortable environment at a comfortable temperature of air and water and with the best view from the window. He should be good there, on vacation, and this is after all your favorite people, so wished him a good rest!
The first level of complexity - is when a loved one is simply left to rest one (you do not leave coincided, biorhythms, mood, plans for the summer, the attitude to India - not important). It's not scary. The second level of complexity - is when a loved one is left alone, because you quarrel (you badly behaved, spoiled everything at the last minute, missed the flight because they met with the former, and he knows it). This is worse. Finally, the third level of complexity - is when a loved one left for vacation with my favorite person, but this man is not you (and his wife, for example). Then all the worse. But we must somehow survive all this!
1) Do not worry. If you are already resigned to the fact that he was there, and you're here, and not fly there next flight - the experience is meaningless. This will not change anything.
2) was a calendar with a countdown. Printed on the official printer, number of days until his return from vacation a size four (to be just, believe me), and hang in a prominent place. Every day update a calendar. You'll see as time passes, and the expectation would be a system - will leave chaos and immediately becomes clear the scale of the disaster. And when it is clear - it is already better.
3) Sit down, relax and just scrolling down in your head (you have 15 minutes) all the worst options emanating from this process. For example, imagine your favorite person with another woman, with Angelina Jolie in the Jacuzzi, with Paris Hilton in the bedroom, naked at the bar in New York's vital statistics office with his former passions. Now open your eyes. That will not happen! If this happens - write to us, we will do this reporting. If you are not comforting, see paragraph 1.
4) After the paranoid thoughts unsure of herself and dear to you man finally worthy left you - you can start thinking about yourself. How much time do you? What are you going to do with this time? 14 days? 10? Month? Congratulations. This is - your personal time, which you never, under any other circumstances, could not appear.
5) Examine the list of diets for shorter periods, write in a beauty salon, look where is sale or vice versa - new collections, and that would be in the autumn (see Fashion). Bring yourself in excellent form. If you are already in excellent form - transformed. Podzagori, trim hair, a pedicure, buy yourself a new dress in which to meet him.
6) Make a surprise for him! For example, the tattoo as a symbol that means something just for you two. Or, perhaps, proapdeyt his room: buy new curtains and carpet, clean all the dusty corners, and laid the CDs into boxes, learn to cook his favorite dish.
7) Now think: what you wanted, but could do with it? Parties in the style of Harry Potter with his university friends, which he can not stand? Going to the sauna with girls without husbands and boyfriend? Visit a flea market, where each tray can stand for twenty minutes and no one will now not hurry up? Viewing romantic comedies with popcorn and cola at home?
8) He has not returned? If you have time, you can complete the unfinished business. They are you, frankly, there. Dorisovat pictures dokleit wallpaper. Driving directions to give, to help her mother with a flower bed. To rent a warranty mattress.
9) He still has not returned?! How many days left until his return? This is intolerable, it is true, as many expect? When nothing can be done, and no items not working, and the first point - not much comfort, then woe be to pronounce. Tell me about it all. Start with any of this communication. Speak the truth. The best way: "Hello, (without pause), he left and I'm dying, there is no strength to go on without him." People will take you to all involved: to pity you or laugh at you, and then, and another - not bad.
10) Sit down and write him a letter. Many such a letter with all the details, as you draw the calendar, as a matter of days as she has a tattoo, dorisovyvala now, buying curtains, hanging out with friends, went to massage and suffered, suffered, suffered, and that more than ever, nizachto, in any , and any country you should not fly alone. Wrote? Reread. Put it under your pillow, and if you do not change your mind, let him read it when he returns. After all, he had so come back soon, your favorite people.
And - please - behave with dignity. Do not write him daily crazy sms (no soplivyh or jealous or evil). Be a good boy. Think about what he misses, too - just in a more comfortable environment at a comfortable temperature of air and water and with the best view from the window. He should be good there, on vacation, and this is after all your favorite people, so wished him a good rest!
Sex Role: Rules
Every game has its overt and covert rules, which stipulate that it is possible, and can not do. We will tell what is to agree to sexual role-playing game, to avoid unpleasant surprises.
1. Warning
We have written about various sexual role-playing games, from flight attendants to Santa Claus, who brings new intimate life. But here is be careful. It is better to prevent a partner in advance about their plans, or at least say that you are going to arrange a surprise for him.
Otherwise, returning after a hard day a man can not rejoice when he saw the door or the seductive beauty of the eastern kitty. He understands that if he can not sufficiently respond to your initiative, you may feel upset and uncomfortable. As a result, the intended game can become a stressful situation for both of you.
2. Confidence
This is the most important rule, which helps partners to relax and enjoy the game. You must be sure that your partner will stop at the first request and will not do anything that you do not want to. For example, the idea that you will remain on the body signs, are unlikely to help you get pleasure from the game.
If you have any doubts about the intentions of the partner, it is better to wait until as long as you are not going to feel comfortable.
3. Suitable scenario
Both of you should know that like or dislike a partner. This applies to any game, whether it is role play, BDSM, or any other sexual experiments.
For example, a man, offering his girlfriend or wife play a prostitute and the client must understand that this proposal may be contrary to her upbringing and outlooks on life.
Similarly, if you like to tie your partner to the bed and whip it whip it would be good to know first how it relates to this. A more refined approach is to find out in the process of communication, not asking the question directly. Then your choice sexual game will be a pleasant surprise.
1. Warning
We have written about various sexual role-playing games, from flight attendants to Santa Claus, who brings new intimate life. But here is be careful. It is better to prevent a partner in advance about their plans, or at least say that you are going to arrange a surprise for him.
Otherwise, returning after a hard day a man can not rejoice when he saw the door or the seductive beauty of the eastern kitty. He understands that if he can not sufficiently respond to your initiative, you may feel upset and uncomfortable. As a result, the intended game can become a stressful situation for both of you.
2. Confidence
This is the most important rule, which helps partners to relax and enjoy the game. You must be sure that your partner will stop at the first request and will not do anything that you do not want to. For example, the idea that you will remain on the body signs, are unlikely to help you get pleasure from the game.
If you have any doubts about the intentions of the partner, it is better to wait until as long as you are not going to feel comfortable.
3. Suitable scenario
Both of you should know that like or dislike a partner. This applies to any game, whether it is role play, BDSM, or any other sexual experiments.
For example, a man, offering his girlfriend or wife play a prostitute and the client must understand that this proposal may be contrary to her upbringing and outlooks on life.
Similarly, if you like to tie your partner to the bed and whip it whip it would be good to know first how it relates to this. A more refined approach is to find out in the process of communication, not asking the question directly. Then your choice sexual game will be a pleasant surprise.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
If a child is overweight
If your child overweight, he probably already aware that the appearance of his problems. Perhaps his taunting classmates or gym class turned to him in this ordeal. Or he comes home from school hungry because they are embarrassed in front of classmates.
For parents this is a difficult situation. On the one hand, I want to help a son or daughter's feelings, but on the other - to support their desire to look different. A good idea might seem a serious conversation about weight and health. But after such a lecture the child, by contrast, may feel worse. How to help complete a child, not losing contact with him and supporting him morally?
Talk to your doctor
First, talk to your doctor, preferably one on one. The doctor will determine the body mass index (BMI) of the child and say whether or not to worry. The doctor will advise whether you need to weigh the child at home regularly, for example, once a week, and will also recommend a diet and exercise.
Changes in family habits
The most important thing you can do for a child with overweight - to implant a culture of healthy lifestyles. To start, go with the whole family to the supermarket and choose a useful and nutritious food that everybody likes.
Children often copy their parents behavior, so you may need to change your own lifestyle. How often do you eat sweets? Whether regular exercise?
Invent joint fascinating case, for example, cycling or practicing karate with her brother or sister. Otherwise the child may seem that sport exercises - this is a kind of punishment for what he weighs a lot.
Keep a positive attitude and focus on health
Do not place any weight loss in the first place. If the child does not immediately begin to lose weight, it's bad effect on his mood. Try self-esteem of the child and always praise him when he makes the right healthy choices. If this choice is not correct, try not to exaggerate and not to pay undue attention to it.
The right words at the right time
For example, a child tells you that his classmates teased or upset, when it comes to buying clothes in bigger sizes. At such moments is to show understanding and not lecturing. Help your child gain confidence and make better choices. Here are some tips that will facilitate the conversation:
* Encourage your child's efforts. Let him know that you know: to do what is good for health, is difficult. Remind them that he can at any moment to ask you for help.
* Do not make the exterior of the main problem. Even if the child is concerned, the emphasis should be on health. Explain to your child that he or she will feel better if you eat fruit instead of cookies and walk around instead of sitting at a computer.
* Do not create a child's sense of guilt. Do not wait too long to explain how bad what he eats. Instead, tell what food is and what behavior wash him feel better.
* Do not try to force the child to a healthy lifestyle. Do not threaten to deprive him of pleasure, if he fails to comply with the diet - this will cause the child's negative attitude to change. But do not promise, and gifts for the loss of weight, otherwise the child will forget about the main goal - health.
First of all, show respect and support. Rejoice even small victories of the child. The more his confidence, the sooner it will reach the goal.
Rx Georgia
For parents this is a difficult situation. On the one hand, I want to help a son or daughter's feelings, but on the other - to support their desire to look different. A good idea might seem a serious conversation about weight and health. But after such a lecture the child, by contrast, may feel worse. How to help complete a child, not losing contact with him and supporting him morally?
Talk to your doctor
First, talk to your doctor, preferably one on one. The doctor will determine the body mass index (BMI) of the child and say whether or not to worry. The doctor will advise whether you need to weigh the child at home regularly, for example, once a week, and will also recommend a diet and exercise.
Changes in family habits
The most important thing you can do for a child with overweight - to implant a culture of healthy lifestyles. To start, go with the whole family to the supermarket and choose a useful and nutritious food that everybody likes.
Children often copy their parents behavior, so you may need to change your own lifestyle. How often do you eat sweets? Whether regular exercise?
Invent joint fascinating case, for example, cycling or practicing karate with her brother or sister. Otherwise the child may seem that sport exercises - this is a kind of punishment for what he weighs a lot.
Keep a positive attitude and focus on health
Do not place any weight loss in the first place. If the child does not immediately begin to lose weight, it's bad effect on his mood. Try self-esteem of the child and always praise him when he makes the right healthy choices. If this choice is not correct, try not to exaggerate and not to pay undue attention to it.
The right words at the right time
For example, a child tells you that his classmates teased or upset, when it comes to buying clothes in bigger sizes. At such moments is to show understanding and not lecturing. Help your child gain confidence and make better choices. Here are some tips that will facilitate the conversation:
* Encourage your child's efforts. Let him know that you know: to do what is good for health, is difficult. Remind them that he can at any moment to ask you for help.
* Do not make the exterior of the main problem. Even if the child is concerned, the emphasis should be on health. Explain to your child that he or she will feel better if you eat fruit instead of cookies and walk around instead of sitting at a computer.
* Do not create a child's sense of guilt. Do not wait too long to explain how bad what he eats. Instead, tell what food is and what behavior wash him feel better.
* Do not try to force the child to a healthy lifestyle. Do not threaten to deprive him of pleasure, if he fails to comply with the diet - this will cause the child's negative attitude to change. But do not promise, and gifts for the loss of weight, otherwise the child will forget about the main goal - health.
First of all, show respect and support. Rejoice even small victories of the child. The more his confidence, the sooner it will reach the goal.
Rx Georgia
Breastfeeding is beneficial for the child and mother
Expecting a new baby, a young mother not only selects a name and is considering how to design a children's room. It should make another important choice - to decide whether to feed the baby herself or to use artificial feeding.
In third world countries artificial feeding can be deadly for the child because of lack of clean water needed to wash the bottle and dilute the feeds. In developed countries, women are often difficult to reconcile with the work of feeding the newborn.
Ask any doctor, and he will say that breastfeeding is better for the child and mother. Even women who resort to artificial nutrition, believe that breast milk is better.
So why do women use artificial mixture?
American pediatrician Robert Baker calls the two main reasons.
"Women do not breastfeed, because it creates an inconvenience. The main reasons - uncomfortable and shy, "- says Baker. "If any artificial feeding can take a bottle and feed the child.
This is especially important for working women who leave their children in the care of strangers during the day.
"Breastfeeding is especially inconvenient for working mothers", - says Baker. - "We have to express milk at work, it is rather cumbersome.
Some women give up breastfeeding makes modesty. "They just do not like to do it", - explains Baker.
However, the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any inconvenience. That's what the American pediatricians recommend:
* Up to 6 months, feed the child only breast milk. Then, continue to give him, gradually introducing solid foods.
* Go to sleep next to the child to feed at night it was easier.
* In the period of feeding (and beyond) to periodically visit mammologist to check if there are tumors in the mammary glands.
* If you are hearing and addressed the issue of parents' divorce, the appointment of guardianship or other reasons requiring separate the child from the mother, supports all efforts aimed at the continuation of breastfeeding.
* Adoptive mothers pediatrician may tell you about the benefits of induced, or artificially induced, lactation (it is achieved through hormone therapy or mechanical stimulation).
* Keep in mind that different peoples and different cultures, traditions and attitudes to breastfeeding vary.
* If the baby is fed breast milk, even if a pediatrician or other doctor examine him for 3 - 5 days after birth, and then at the age of 2 - 3 weeks. Thus we can see that the child is getting enough milk.
From a medical point of view, the answer is clear
Weighing the pros and cons from a medical point of view, Baker concludes that the pros of breastfeeding far outweigh the minuses. "
However, there are some problems, chief among which is related to deficiency in human milk vitamin D.
In order to prevent rickets, all children up to 2 months of age, including those who are breastfed should receive vitamin D. Daily intake of 200 IU (international units) of vitamin D can prevent the development of rickets - diseases associated with lack of mineralization and osteomalacia. His reason is the lack of child staying in the sun and in its lack of vitamin D.
"In breast milk is very little vitamin D», - says Baker. - "Often people think," If breast milk is ideal for children, why there is no vitamin D? ". It is important to bear in mind that our environment is changing very rapidly, much faster than before. "
Now, children spend less time in the sun, on the contrary, parents are trying to keep them in the shade. Use sunscreen to prevent development of vitamin D sunlight.
Another problem with breastfeeding is that breastfed child passed toxic substances from the environment. "We do not know how to influence the child substances from the environment", - says Baker. As an example, he cites a woman who has a lot of fish, and together with the fish in her body gets a large amount of mercury.
"There is always a danger that the round have any harmful substance," - says Baker.
Nevertheless, all that we know so far, shows that breast-feeding better than bottle-feeding.
"It is surprising that the companies producing infant formula flourish" - surprised Baker and stresses that all these years, manufacturers tried to mix them as close in composition to human milk.
Immune system
"Nevertheless, in the mixtures is always something missing", - says Baker. A key component that can not be replicated in infant formula - a substance that will strengthen the immunity of the child. It is not as important in developed countries, where is the fight against infectious diseases, and drinking water is clean enough. But in third world countries the importance of this factor can not be overemphasized.
In addition, breast-feeding to some extent, protects the child from allergies. Baker cites research that showed that breast feeding has a small but significant effect, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
"But the risk is not reduced very much", - says Baker.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding reduces the risk and severity of some childhood diseases, such as ear infections and bacterial meningitis. Some studies show that it reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), diabetes, asthma and obesity. By the way, is also useful for mothers to breastfeed. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of such diseases as ovarian cancer and osteoporosis and femoral neck fractures in menopause.
Scientists continue to study the growth of the child. World Health Organization (WHO) is conducting research to identify new growth curves of children fed breast milk. The current growth curves summarize the data covering all children: those who were breastfed and those fed with artificial formula, said Baker. Children who are breastfed are larger in the first 6 months of life, but those who are fed artificial mixtures, overtaking them in the next 6 months.
All mothers are trying to give the child to understand that the night is for sleep, preferably uninterrupted. Children who are breastfed, it is easier to calm, says Baker
"When my kids were little and would wake up at night, I brought them to his wife, and she breastfed, while continuing to doze," - says Baker. - "It was much easier than getting up and warm up the bottle feeds." On the other hand, for women who do not have such a caring partner, the situation may be somewhat different.
When the child put out of my chest?
If a woman decided to breastfeed, it would have taken another important decision. When to start excommunicating the child from the breast?
"On this subject there is debate", - says Baker. Most doctors recommend breastfeeding for the first year of life. But for how long to give the child one of only breast milk? When start lure and offer other foods, such as oatmeal?
"I recommend a flexible approach. You can start with the lure 4-6 months. Preferably closer to 6 "- advises Baker. - "Some kids in 4 months will not be able to do this, but with 6 months to lure all the kids.
Often women go to work 6-8 weeks after birth. And to combine breastfeeding with responsibilities at work, to put it mildly, not easy: to do the job on time and attend all meetings, mothers often have to sleep enough.
"I'm always in favor of breastfeeding", - says Baker. - "It's good for the baby and mother. Society should do everything to help the woman. If she goes to work, you need to give it all the conditions for the continuation of breastfeeding.
Rx Mississippi
In third world countries artificial feeding can be deadly for the child because of lack of clean water needed to wash the bottle and dilute the feeds. In developed countries, women are often difficult to reconcile with the work of feeding the newborn.
Ask any doctor, and he will say that breastfeeding is better for the child and mother. Even women who resort to artificial nutrition, believe that breast milk is better.
So why do women use artificial mixture?
American pediatrician Robert Baker calls the two main reasons.
"Women do not breastfeed, because it creates an inconvenience. The main reasons - uncomfortable and shy, "- says Baker. "If any artificial feeding can take a bottle and feed the child.
This is especially important for working women who leave their children in the care of strangers during the day.
"Breastfeeding is especially inconvenient for working mothers", - says Baker. - "We have to express milk at work, it is rather cumbersome.
Some women give up breastfeeding makes modesty. "They just do not like to do it", - explains Baker.
However, the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any inconvenience. That's what the American pediatricians recommend:
* Up to 6 months, feed the child only breast milk. Then, continue to give him, gradually introducing solid foods.
* Go to sleep next to the child to feed at night it was easier.
* In the period of feeding (and beyond) to periodically visit mammologist to check if there are tumors in the mammary glands.
* If you are hearing and addressed the issue of parents' divorce, the appointment of guardianship or other reasons requiring separate the child from the mother, supports all efforts aimed at the continuation of breastfeeding.
* Adoptive mothers pediatrician may tell you about the benefits of induced, or artificially induced, lactation (it is achieved through hormone therapy or mechanical stimulation).
* Keep in mind that different peoples and different cultures, traditions and attitudes to breastfeeding vary.
* If the baby is fed breast milk, even if a pediatrician or other doctor examine him for 3 - 5 days after birth, and then at the age of 2 - 3 weeks. Thus we can see that the child is getting enough milk.
From a medical point of view, the answer is clear
Weighing the pros and cons from a medical point of view, Baker concludes that the pros of breastfeeding far outweigh the minuses. "
However, there are some problems, chief among which is related to deficiency in human milk vitamin D.
In order to prevent rickets, all children up to 2 months of age, including those who are breastfed should receive vitamin D. Daily intake of 200 IU (international units) of vitamin D can prevent the development of rickets - diseases associated with lack of mineralization and osteomalacia. His reason is the lack of child staying in the sun and in its lack of vitamin D.
"In breast milk is very little vitamin D», - says Baker. - "Often people think," If breast milk is ideal for children, why there is no vitamin D? ". It is important to bear in mind that our environment is changing very rapidly, much faster than before. "
Now, children spend less time in the sun, on the contrary, parents are trying to keep them in the shade. Use sunscreen to prevent development of vitamin D sunlight.
Another problem with breastfeeding is that breastfed child passed toxic substances from the environment. "We do not know how to influence the child substances from the environment", - says Baker. As an example, he cites a woman who has a lot of fish, and together with the fish in her body gets a large amount of mercury.
"There is always a danger that the round have any harmful substance," - says Baker.
Nevertheless, all that we know so far, shows that breast-feeding better than bottle-feeding.
"It is surprising that the companies producing infant formula flourish" - surprised Baker and stresses that all these years, manufacturers tried to mix them as close in composition to human milk.
Immune system
"Nevertheless, in the mixtures is always something missing", - says Baker. A key component that can not be replicated in infant formula - a substance that will strengthen the immunity of the child. It is not as important in developed countries, where is the fight against infectious diseases, and drinking water is clean enough. But in third world countries the importance of this factor can not be overemphasized.
In addition, breast-feeding to some extent, protects the child from allergies. Baker cites research that showed that breast feeding has a small but significant effect, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
"But the risk is not reduced very much", - says Baker.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding reduces the risk and severity of some childhood diseases, such as ear infections and bacterial meningitis. Some studies show that it reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), diabetes, asthma and obesity. By the way, is also useful for mothers to breastfeed. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of such diseases as ovarian cancer and osteoporosis and femoral neck fractures in menopause.
Scientists continue to study the growth of the child. World Health Organization (WHO) is conducting research to identify new growth curves of children fed breast milk. The current growth curves summarize the data covering all children: those who were breastfed and those fed with artificial formula, said Baker. Children who are breastfed are larger in the first 6 months of life, but those who are fed artificial mixtures, overtaking them in the next 6 months.
All mothers are trying to give the child to understand that the night is for sleep, preferably uninterrupted. Children who are breastfed, it is easier to calm, says Baker
"When my kids were little and would wake up at night, I brought them to his wife, and she breastfed, while continuing to doze," - says Baker. - "It was much easier than getting up and warm up the bottle feeds." On the other hand, for women who do not have such a caring partner, the situation may be somewhat different.
When the child put out of my chest?
If a woman decided to breastfeed, it would have taken another important decision. When to start excommunicating the child from the breast?
"On this subject there is debate", - says Baker. Most doctors recommend breastfeeding for the first year of life. But for how long to give the child one of only breast milk? When start lure and offer other foods, such as oatmeal?
"I recommend a flexible approach. You can start with the lure 4-6 months. Preferably closer to 6 "- advises Baker. - "Some kids in 4 months will not be able to do this, but with 6 months to lure all the kids.
Often women go to work 6-8 weeks after birth. And to combine breastfeeding with responsibilities at work, to put it mildly, not easy: to do the job on time and attend all meetings, mothers often have to sleep enough.
"I'm always in favor of breastfeeding", - says Baker. - "It's good for the baby and mother. Society should do everything to help the woman. If she goes to work, you need to give it all the conditions for the continuation of breastfeeding.
Rx Mississippi
Be an example for your child
You explain to children what is good and what is bad. Teach them to look around, crossing the street, say thank you, listen to teachers.
But the children take over and then what you do not teach them special: your food preferences, attitudes to sport and to their own health. You - the most important force shaping the life of the child. You for them - an example to follow.
If you say you do not like vegetables, you unconsciously teach your child that no vegetable can do. Studies show that diets of children and their relationship to sport is largely affected by the example of parents. Children more likely to eat that food that is enjoyed by parents.
Show your child an example
* Think about your own habits and how they can change. Maybe we should do more exercise and make it part of everyday life?
* Inculcate in children a culture of healthy lifestyle from infancy. The skills and habits acquired early in life may be preserved for the rest of his life.
* Keep track of your health. Were regularly screened by a doctor and take all prescribed the medication.
* Eat together as a family. Children prefer to eat a wholesome meal, if all family members gather together for a meal. According to the calculations of researchers, if children eat separately, then 6 out of 10 children are receiving too much fat, and fruits and vegetables regularly eaten only 2 children out of 10.
* Sport. Planning sports, do not forget to bring them to the children. So they soon realize the benefit of physical culture. Ride along on a bicycle, walk in the park, leave the flying saucer, or simply go for a walk in the evening.
* Do not smoke. Passive smoking is very harmful for children. If you smoke at an open window or in another room - this is not the solution. Even if it happens on the street, you teach children to ensure that smoking - this is normal. If parents smoke, the likelihood that the child lit up, rising by 2-3 times.
* So, wear in the car. If you have fastened themselves, even in the back seat, your children will learn this habit. According to statistics, car accidents - the most common cause of infant mortality.
* Wear a helmet, riding a bicycle, motorcycle or on skates.
* Talk with children about the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget to mention the fact that he gives - good health, strong bones and muscles, normal weight.
* Consistently demonstrated a positive attitude to sport and healthy lifestyles.
* Do not hesitate to talk about their feelings and express their love child.
Rx Alaska
But the children take over and then what you do not teach them special: your food preferences, attitudes to sport and to their own health. You - the most important force shaping the life of the child. You for them - an example to follow.
If you say you do not like vegetables, you unconsciously teach your child that no vegetable can do. Studies show that diets of children and their relationship to sport is largely affected by the example of parents. Children more likely to eat that food that is enjoyed by parents.
Show your child an example
* Think about your own habits and how they can change. Maybe we should do more exercise and make it part of everyday life?
* Inculcate in children a culture of healthy lifestyle from infancy. The skills and habits acquired early in life may be preserved for the rest of his life.
* Keep track of your health. Were regularly screened by a doctor and take all prescribed the medication.
* Eat together as a family. Children prefer to eat a wholesome meal, if all family members gather together for a meal. According to the calculations of researchers, if children eat separately, then 6 out of 10 children are receiving too much fat, and fruits and vegetables regularly eaten only 2 children out of 10.
* Sport. Planning sports, do not forget to bring them to the children. So they soon realize the benefit of physical culture. Ride along on a bicycle, walk in the park, leave the flying saucer, or simply go for a walk in the evening.
* Do not smoke. Passive smoking is very harmful for children. If you smoke at an open window or in another room - this is not the solution. Even if it happens on the street, you teach children to ensure that smoking - this is normal. If parents smoke, the likelihood that the child lit up, rising by 2-3 times.
* So, wear in the car. If you have fastened themselves, even in the back seat, your children will learn this habit. According to statistics, car accidents - the most common cause of infant mortality.
* Wear a helmet, riding a bicycle, motorcycle or on skates.
* Talk with children about the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget to mention the fact that he gives - good health, strong bones and muscles, normal weight.
* Consistently demonstrated a positive attitude to sport and healthy lifestyles.
* Do not hesitate to talk about their feelings and express their love child.
Rx Alaska
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