Friday, March 12, 2010

level update

It's not a secret that biorhythms have a direct impact not only on health but also to the whole fate of man. The topic of their correction is devoted to a new method of psycho-bioenergetic exercises XXI century, developed by traditional healers Buckwheat Alloy Alekseyevna, confirmed by international patent. Today in the Luzhniki classes on this technique, led by the author himself - a teacher trainer Alla buckwheat. The best deal will be involved in shootings and demonstrations.

The purpose of the classes - the achievement of harmony of body and soul. Basic tasks in the training process of bio-gymnastics:

- Achieving a large stock of life, physical and spiritual energy;

- A universal method for maintaining a healthy weight through the restoration of metabolism, get rid of constipation;

- Increased efficiency;

- Freedom from stress, nervous breakdowns, the accumulated fatigue (during the day, at the end of the working week);

- Improving the creativity, the discovery of talents.

Unlike conventional aerobics gymnastics bioenergetic yields:

- Charging energy throughout the body and energy instead of the usual physical fatigue;

- Spiritual improvement, raising consciousness;

- To get in touch with the outside world (the development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, yasnochuvstvovaniya);

- Complete recovery of all systems of the organism as a whole;

- Freedom from chronic diseases - rehabilitation of the mind - a real improvement in sexual potency;

- Improve the character, sociability, family relations and in teams;

- The performance of bio-energy exercises is automatically massages acupuncture points of the body, which increases the impact on the tone and the immune system of the body;

- Is an automatic editing of vertebrae and discs of the spine, purification from salts and slag, thus refraining from the use of manual therapy and massage.

The same applies to the joints. There is a withdrawal of paralysis, the normalization of the body. List the positive aspects of bio-gymnastics can be extended further. To save the results achieved it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The basis of bioenergetic exercises include:

- A set of exercises with musical accompaniment;

- Individual work (if necessary);

- Hygienic procedures;

- A meditation session (optional involved);

- Tea with the conversation of spiritual direction, tea from herbs that help to wash, cleanse internal organs and to restore the vitamin balance.

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Most effective, this technique eliminates the lock associated with such common diseases as osteochondrosis and lumbago. There comes a rapid recovery. The basis of the complex includes exercises, cleansing the spine, chest and back muscles and other muscle groups: neck, facial and masticatory muscles of the head, abdomen, muscles of the upper and lower extremities are involved in almost all blocks of exercises.

As a consequence, organs and systems within the zone defined energy center, come into harmony with its natural frequency of vibration and is their recovery. The total set of exercises is about 75% of the total procedure. Next comes the separation of the intensity and direction of the load and the nature of the exercises depending on the individual characteristics involved: age, constitution, heart rate and respiratory rate, presence of various diseases and pre-physical training. The main cause of diseases and dysfunctions of the organism are the blocks. Block - is the result of the process or the process that leads to a decrease in functionality as a separate entity, and groups of organs or systems (salt deposits, offset vertebral discs, fear and other negative emotions). And so the first and main task of bio-Gymnastics is the removal of locks in the body that do not allow energy to circulate freely and evenly in the body. For resistance to common diseases such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and others, that every exercise will use the maximum amount of muscle, so the slag and salt have nowhere to stay and they actively go out of the body. The second advantage - cleansing the energy channels of thin bodies, which leads subsequently to a healthier body. Clogging of the organism and obstruction of channels takes place daily under the influence of the quality of food consumed, under the influence of thoughts, feelings and emotions, etc. And if they are negative, then at the level of physical and chemical reactions in the body produced toxins which spread throughout the body with blood and littered it at the cellular and energy level.

A set of exercises used in bio-gym allows active output toxins from the body and replace the contaminated clean energy. In the work included non-functioning previously blocked energy centers. Restored blood flow in groups of bodies responsible for a certain type of disease (adrenal glands, thymus, prostate, pancreas). The third advantage of the methodology - the achievement of a uniform distribution of energy throughout the human body, food energy of all the elements.

As a result of lessons:

- Strengthening the abdominal muscles;

- Increases the elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility, unlocks - produces flexible and plastic people of different ages;

- Is getting rid of excess weight;

- Formed the optimal shape for the constitution - to develop correct posture;

- Is self-massage of the muscles of the body;

- Removed the displacement of vertebrae and disks that are normally removed only by means of manual therapy. There is a full harmonization of all internal organs. Already after the first conversation between the discs and vertebrae, as well as in the joints appears fluid, lubricating them, increasing the mobility of the skeleton, which leads to overall improvement and rapid recovery of the body. While bioenergy exercises conducted special breathing exercises, allowing contaminated output energy from the body. But carried an extra set of pure radiant energy. When you save a core set of exercises in each lesson uses a variety of complexes or blocks of exercises that make a novelty, not tire mentally and maintain interest among the students. Exercise increases the stimulation of the vital centers.

Important: Because the disease is the result of incorrect thinking, doing gymnastics, bioenergy, the man himself, his own work, without the use of chemicals and other drugs eliminates the spiritual disorder, and restores the mind, restoring lost health.

Also, the entire comprehensive program positively affects the nervous system and the human psyche, which liberates (disclosed). There is a regular exchange of energy, where the negative goes, and the net fills, permeates every cell of the organism. Upon removal of nervous and mental locks due to a positive energy improves the emotional state, there is confidence in themselves and, at the same time, decreases the excitability. The person becomes more restrained and quietly looks at the life circumstances of those who had irritated him, taken out of mental balance.

Contingent involved bio-energy gym has a different social status, different levels of communication, different degrees of sensorimotor excitability ... Through complex revealed different levels of communication. Many involved had limited sociability with low motivation (suffered from loneliness). During the work on a full comprehensive program yielded results confirming the hypothesis of our study on the impact of bio-energy gym on the energy balance rights with the subsequent elaboration of positive energy independent body.

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